A unique program designed by the world leaders in happiness and well-being education

Your Guides for the August 2024 Expedition

Experience happiness from the inside out. Please note that Tal Ben-Sahar will run an online session before the expedition to frame insights on happiness (he won't be in Bhutan) and Luis will be your guide in Bhutan together with local experts and luminaries.

Founder, Author Luis Gallardo

Luis Gallardo is the Founder and President of the World Happiness Foundation and the World Happiness Fest and the Founder and Author of the TEOH Lab and Happytalism.

Craft your legacy in Bhutan

Bhutan is the land of the thunder dragon. Join us. Explore with a tribe of shapers and game-changers your inner and outer worlds. Go deep into the roots of happiness and craft your legacy, your unique legend, your positive contribution to yourself and the society at large. Learn with unique insights from Tal Ben-Shahar, Luis Gallardo and local luminaries from Bhutan about GNH and the unique approach to happiness in the Himalayas.

Discovery Expedition

to the inner and outer world

You can pay in 3 consecutive months

The price includes all expenses in Bhutan, visa, tuition program, and the hotels rooms (shared / twin room) if you want an individual room there is an extra cost of 429USD. It does not include the return flight to Paro(Bhutan), we can help you with your flights if you need it.

See the program details

Our Next Expedition is Planned for August 20th to 28th, 2024

Here you can see the details and a tentative agenda

Here you can see the refund policy.

You can pay in 3 consecutive months

The price includes all expenses in Bhutan, visa, tuition program, and the hotels rooms (shared / twin room) if you want an individual room there is an extra cost of 429USD. It does not include the return flight to Paro(Bhutan), we can help you with your flights if you need it.