This is a Unique Program, with 20 hours of insights from game-changers @ Work and in Life. Be ready to be transformed and the way you understand the meaning of work.

The Future of Work is in your hands. Master the way to flourish and have a positive impact.

    1. Why investing in happiness at work still relevant? with Nic Marks

    2. GERMAN - Glücklich Bei Der Arbeit, Kann Das Sein? Katharina Krentz -Bosch(WOL), Gina (Happiness minister)/Ministerium für Glück and Wohlbefinden, Meike-Conscious Capitalism, Eve Simon -Future of Leadership Salon

    3. What Bhutan Teaches the World about Gross National Happiness with Dr Saamdu Chetri -Founder of Buthan's GNH centre and Luis Gallardo -Founder of World Happiness Fest

    4. What Makes Gen-Yers Happy At Work - Young Professionals Sharing Their Dreams And Happy Career Hacks

    5. "Self-Compassion Break" with Dr. Kristin Neff

    6. Increasing Workplace Happiness - Dr. Raj Raghunathan - Dr. Kristin Neff - Molly Tschang

    7. FRENCH - Comment les marques positives changent le monde (en bien) et boost le bien être au travail! - Elisabeth Laville, Founder of UTOPIES

    8. How Purpose is influencing Happiness@Work- Eve Simon with 7 Purpose authors/Global consultants

    9. How impact investment is leading to wide spread happiness - Ida

    10. About the Practices of a Mindful Leader - Interview with Marc Lesser-SYILI

    11. Our title at work should be the Happy Human - Gopi Kallayil, Chief Evangelist, Brand Marketing at Google

    12. The relationship between power and happiness - Dr. Dacher Keltner,UC Berkeley, Founder of Greater Good Science Center

    13. Is the Start-Up Scene in Silicon Valley Happier than the rest of the Working World?

    14. SPANISH - "Chief Happiness Officers - The Latin Way" Anggy Corchuelo,CEO Contento BPS,Juliana Grisales-CHO at Vision Gerencial, Julian Higuita-Director of Communidad F Medellin.

    15. Behind the Curtains of ZOOM’s Unique Happiness Culture - An Interview with BLAKE HARRIS, Zoom’s “Happy Crew” President

    16. From first tribes to today’s high tech – a path of happiness - Tomas Björkman-

    17. Sacred Work: The Path in transforming Happiness in Life, Career and Business? with Jane Warrilow, Paul Zelizer, Oriana Tickell and Oge Okosieme

    18. Digital Nomads – the future starts today - Estela Kun, Freedom X Fest

    19. The Antidotes to Uncertainty - Tal Ben-Shahar

    20. Heart and Leadership Coherence - Dr. Deborah Rozman

    21. Español - Los Superpoderes de una Vida Plena - Mario Alonso Puig

    1. The Future is better than you think. The Exponentials of Happiness- Luis Gallardo

    1. Great Articles to go deeper into answers from Positive Psychology to a happier life.

    2. 50 Science-backed Happiness Activators.

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 16 hours of video content

Know the H@W

Become the leader that the world needs at work