It is about two days with three sessions each, of 90 minutes, of which 20-30 minutes will be dedicated to questions, doubts and debate. However, by using the Zoom platform, attendees can, at any time, intervene, comment and ask questions. These are live sessions, with five or ten minute passes between each one.

In the course of this fourth edition of the International Mindfulness and Society Conference, we will have the opportunity to share with six scientists, researchers, and teachers some mechanisms present in the field of Mindfulness that can help us understand the role that Mindfulness and Compassion can play in the construction of a new mentality to face the great challenges of humanity on this planet.



Can human qualities such as compassion, altruism, and mindfulness foster changes in collective thinking and action and drive a transformation toward sustainability? How could mindfulness practice help promote lifestyles, institutions, forms of governance and economic changes that promote the integrity of the ecosystems on which current and future generations of humans and other species depend? Can teaching Mindfulness in schools, workplaces and other institutions be a counterweight to the social and psychological forces that encourage us to find our meaning, our values and our identity in consumerism?



What makes the consumer society so powerful and persuasive is its promise of continuous innovation, and its success lies precisely in its inability to provide us with lasting satisfaction. Explore in these Days the current role of Mindfulness in sustainability science and in their mutual relationship, in the face of the depletion of resources, ecological destruction, unacceptable inequality and the health and well-being crises in which the world is immersed. Does Mindfulness have the potential to interrupt those chains of suffering? Does Mindfulness offer us a different way of approaching the continuous negotiation between our personal identity and our social being?


When you become a MEMBER of the World Happiness Academy you'll have access to this conference and all the content created for members.

David Loy, Vidyamala Burch, Beth Berila, Janine Schipper, Sabrina Helm…

Witness live the reflections made by international teachers and researchers from the world of Social Mindfulness, in a very special conference, beyond the personal practice of Mindfulness.

There are not many occasions in which the practitioner of Mindfulness finds a space to reflect and debate on how Mindfulness can help build a better society, more aligned with the crucial objectives to which humanity aspires in the near future, in terms of climate change, sustainability, social justice …

February 26 – 27, 2021

Where: On line by Zoom

Registration fee | Reduced prize honoring pandemic | 45,00 USD / More information: [email protected] or calling at +34 664 64 54 65
Mindfulness: para cultivar una mente sana, feliz y eficaz

Who is the conference aimed at?

  • Mindfulness practitioners, of any level, who want to delve into the topics covered in the conference.

  • Mindfulness teachers and instructors who want to go deeper beyond practice.

  • Professionals in medicine and psychotherapy who want to find out more about essential aspects of Mindfulness

Your Guides

Learning from Experience

Director of the Gender & Women’s Studies Program, and a Professor in the Ethnic, Gender, & Women’s Studies Department, St. Cloud State University Beth Berila, Ph.D

Beth Berila, Ph.D. is the Director of the Gender & Women’s Studies Program, and a Professor in the Ethnic, Gender, & Women’s Studies Department, St. Cloud State University, where she teaches courses in Feminist Theory, Gender, and the Body, and Gender and Popular Culture. Beth is also a 500-hr registered yoga teacher and a long-time mindfulness practitioner. Her book, Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education, was published by Routledge in 2016. She co-edited Yoga, the Body, and Embodied Social Change: An Intersectional Feminist Analysis, with Melanie Klein and Chelsea Jackson Roberts, Ph.D. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016). She served on the leadership team of the Yoga and Body Image Coalition for two years and is now a community partner. She has partnered with Off the Mat, Into the World, and the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education. Her current projects merge yoga and meditation practices with feminism and mindful education to create a form of socially engaged embodied learning. For more about Beth's work, check out her vita.

Professor at Northern Arizona University Dr. Janine Schipper

Janine Schipper (Ph.D. Sociology, Boston College) is an associate professor of sociology at Northern Arizona University. She currently serves as the executive editor of the sociology journal, Humanity, and Society, devoted to publishing work on social justice, scholar/activism, and public sociology. Her book, Disappearing Desert: the Growth of Phoenix and the Culture of Sprawl (University of Oklahoma Press 2008) examines the cultural forces that contribute to suburban sprawl in the United States. Her publications in environmental sociology focus on such topics as the cultural productions of space and time, rethinking our ideas on harmony with nature, and questioning how responsible is “responsible development”? She recently published a seminal piece on Buddhist Sociology entitled “Toward a Buddhist Sociology: Its Theories, Methods, and Possibilities (American Sociologist 2012) and is a co-author of Sociology: A Critical and Contemporary Perspective ( 4th edition, National Social Science Press 2012).

Founder of the Breathworks method Vidyamala Burch

Founder of the Breathworks method. She teaches this program worldwide and trains teachers in the Breathworks method. Vidyamala Burch learned meditation and its use for stress management, inter alia, with John Kabat-Zinn at the Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical School. She is the author of: “Living well with pain and illness – The mindful way to free yourself from suffering“ (2009) and co-author of “Mindfulness for Health – a practical guide to relieving pain, reducing stress and restoring wellbeing” (2013)

Professor, writer, and Zen teacher Dr. David Robert Loy

David Robert Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. He is a prolific author, whose essays and books have been translated into many languages. His articles appear regularly in the pages of major journals such as Tikkun and Buddhist magazines including Tricycle, Lion’s Roar, and Buddhadharma, as well as in a variety of scholarly journals. Many of his writings, as well as audio and video talks and interviews, are available on the web. He is on the advisory boards of Buddhist Global Relief, the Clear View Project, Zen Peacemakers, and the Ernest Becker Foundation.

Schedule of live online sessions:

All times are GMT – UK Time

    1. About the Conference

    2. Live Session. Enter here.

    1. 2.45 – 3.00 pm: Opening of the IV International Conference on Mindfulness and Society | Rafael Senén. Editor of Inspira Magazine. Madrid. Spain

    2. 3.00 – 4.30 pm: Mindfulness towards a conscious and sustainable consumption | Sabrina V. Helm. University of Arizona (To be confirmed)

    3. 4.30 – 6.00 pm: Shared humanity, sustainability and Mindfulness | Vidyamala Burch. Breathworks. UK

    4. 6.00 – 7.30 pm: Ecodharma | David R. Loy. Writer and professor Sanbo Zen. Colorado, USA

    1. 3.00 – 4.30 pm: Mindfulness, feminism and social justice | Beth Berila. St. Cloud University. Minnesota, USA

    2. 4.30 – 6.00 pm: A New Mindset for the Anthropocene | Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam, Germany (To be confirmed)

    3. 6.00 – 7.30 pm: Consciousness and Social Change | Janine Schipper. University of Northern Arizona, USA

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

With the Support and Organization of:

El Rincon de Mindfulness
Breath Works