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Learning from experience with thought provokers, scientists and activists.

Start the journey to realize a world with freedom, consciousness, and happiness. For all.

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    1. Addressing Mental Health in a Pandemic and Infodemic State of the World. There is Hope. With Dr. Shekhar Saxena, Dr. Julian Eaton, Kathryn Goetzke and Luis Gallardo

    2. The Second Wave of Positive Psychology - Dr. Itai Ivtzan

    3. Do you have the happiness gen? The genetics of life - Dr. Meike Bartels

    4. The Landscape on the State of Global Health - Dr. Shekhar Saxena

    5. Alzheimer’s and Women’s Brain Health - Dr. Maria Teresa Ferretti

    6. Self-Compassion Break with Dr. Kristin Neff

    7. Neuroplasticity; Happiness as a Habit. - Kathryn Goetzke, MBA and Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo

    8. Activating and Connecting Young People to create Mental Health Friendly Cities

    1. The Economics of Happiness - Dr. John Helliwell

    2. The Impact of GNH (Gross National Happiness) beyond GDP - Dr. Saamdu Chetri

    3. New Insights on Gross National Happiness with Dr. Saamdu Chetri

    4. Prosocial for Human Happiness - Dr. Paul Atkins

    5. Happytalism. Building the Foundations of New Paradigms for Human Progress. Jayme Illien and Luis Gallardo

    6. Happiness. A New Development Discourse - Mariano Rojas and Luis Gallardo

    7. Measuring Well-Being. Policy Applications of Well-Being Metrics - Carrie Exton

    8. Happiness Mainstreaming. La Estrategia Política de la Nueva Era - Maite Sarrió

    1. On Awakening and Growth throughout Sound Technologies - John Dupuy

    2. Transformative Technologies and Flourishing. The Finders Path. - Dr. Jeffery A. Martin

    1. What Bhutan Teaches the World about Gross National Happiness with Dr Saamdu Chetri -Founder of Buthan's GNH centre and Luis Gallardo -Founder of World Happiness Fest

    2. GERMAN - Glücklich Bei Der Arbeit, Kann Das Sein? Katharina Krentz -Bosch(WOL), Gina (Happiness minister)/Ministerium für Glück and Wohlbefinden, Meike-Conscious Capitalism, Eve Simon -Future of Leadership Salon

    3. What Makes Gen-Yers Happy At Work - Young Professionals Sharing Their Dreams And Happy Career Hacks

    4. Increasing Workplace Happiness - Dr. Raj Raghunathan - Dr. Kristin Neff - Molly Tschang

    5. How Purpose is influencing Happiness@Work- Eve Simon with 7 Purpose authors/Global consultants

    6. FRENCH - Comment les marques positives changent le monde (en bien) et boost le bien être au travail! - Elisabeth Laville

    7. How impact investment is leading to wide spread happiness - Ida

    8. About the Practices of a Mindful Leader - Interview with Marc Lesser-SYILI

    9. Our title at work should be the Happy Human - Gopi Kallayil, Chief Evangelist, Brand Marketing at Google

    10. The relationship between power and happiness - Dr. Dacher Keltner,UC Berkeley, Founder of Greater Good Science Center

    11. Is the Start-Up Scene in Silicon Valley Happier than the rest of the Working World?

    12. Behind the Curtains of ZOOM’s Unique Happiness Culture - An Interview with Zoom’s “Happy Crew” President

    13. SPANISH - "Chief Happiness Officers - The Latin Way" Anggy Corchuelo,CEO Contento BPS,Juliana Grisales-CHO at Vision Gerencial, Julian Higuita-Director of Communidad F Medellin.

    14. Sacred Work: The Path in transforming Happiness in Life, Career and Business? with Jane Warrilow, Paul Zelizer, Oriana Tickell and Oge Okosieme

    15. From first tribes to today’s high tech – a path of happiness - Tomas Björkman-

    16. Digital Nomads – the future starts today - Estela Kun, Freedom X Fest

    17. Self-Compassion Break with Dr. Kristin Neff

About this course

  • $39.00 / year with 1 month free trial
  • 62 lessons
  • 36 hours of video content

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